Contact us

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions about the offers, the ordering and registration process or the specific Flightbase offers? Click here for the frequently asked questions or chat directly with Dodo at the bottom right.

We are happy to help

We are available 7 days a week from 08:00 to 22:00.

Telephone office +41 71 554 80 70
Telephone weather decision > see confirmation email
Webchat > bottom right
Whatsapp +41 71 554 80 70



Our head office is located in the beautiful Appenzellerland. You will receive the contact details of the adventure partner for the respective region in the confirmation email of your registration.

Adventurebase GmbH - Flightbase
Oberstrasse 31
9038 Rehetobel

Contact form

I have a question about: *
Name *
E-mail address *
Message *
* = mandatory fields